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  Today's News in Japan

     Statistics Bureau of Ministry of Public Management

 Population Census (in 2000)
       Population Estimation
Monthly and yearly estimate of population by age (5-year-group) and gender for Japan

       Report on Internal Migration in Japan
Data on internal migration of the Japanese people based on the records of the Basic Resident Registers at the head of each municipality

       Establishment and Enterprise Census
Information on the current situation of enterprises such as mergers and acquisitions, restructuring of enterprises or their groups

       Survey on Service Industries
Information on the economic activity and current business for each area; the basic attribution, accounting respect and reality of business of the institution in service sector.

       Unincorporated Enterprise Survey
Data on the actual conditions of business management at establishments engaged in manufacturing, wholesale and retail trades, accommodations and providing services, as well as obtain basic data on trends in business and for the promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises.

       Labour Force Survey
Current state of employment and unemployment in this country every month

       Employment Status Survey
data on the actual conditions of the employment structure, changes in usual labour force status, wish for work, etc. at both national and regional levels by surveying usual labour force status

       Ad hoc Survey of Employment and Unemployment Status
Information on the actual state of unemployed persons including the state of receiving employment insurance benefits, etc.

       Retail Price Survey
the nation-wide information on retail prices of goods and services and house rents, the basic data for "Consumer Price Index (CPI) " and the other economic statistics.

       Consumer Price Index

the average price movements of goods and services purchased by households in Japan

       National Survey of Prices

detailed price of data with a wider coverage of areas and with more detailed specifications of fewer items; a cross-sectional picture of retail prices, particularly with respect to the regional difference of prices and price variations among outlets.

       Housing and Land Survey

housing conditions for the purpose of obtaining basic data for various housing policy measures by investigating the actual situations of dwellings and other occupied buildings@and the inhabiting households

       Family Income and Expenditure Survey
       Survey of Household Economy
the actual situation regarding consumption of expensive goods and services that are rarely purchased and IT-related consumption

       Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities
people's time allocation and leisure activities such as Internet use, studies and researches, sports, hobbies and amusements, volunteer activities, and travel and excursions.

       Japan Statistical Year Book
Comprehensive and systematic summary of basic statistical information of Japan covering wide-ranging fields such as Land, Population, Economy, Society, Culture

       IT Statistics of Japan

The recent diffusion of information technology (IT) in the Japanese society and economy

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